Friday, November 6, 2015

Welcome to Ghosts of the Past

Prepare to travel to some of the world's darkest places.

Interest in the paranormal has grown in the last decade. You can hardly turn on the television without seeing one show or another about ghosts. But what is it about ghosts that is so fascinating?

Throughout the course of this project, you will hear about some infamous places that are considered haunted. All places have a history of some kind, some darker than others. Sometimes these dark histories leave a mark, but not one that you can physically see. When terrible things happen, someone (or something) can be left behind. 

As strange as it may seem, many people enjoy hearing about the dead. If ghosts truly do exist, why are they still here? What happened to them that is making them stay? There is far more information that is unknown than is known. It is for this reason that ghosts are considered a popular topic among many people. It is the unknown that draws people in, that makes them wonder. We may never know why some people stay behind as ghosts. But we can try to make progress, one haunted place at a time.

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